Unlock deeper discoveries with Closegap premium

Elevate your school’s approach to mental health today

Track and analyze class, grade, school, and district-level trends

Identify areas for school and district-wide improvement

Implement data-driven interventions that transform student and school outcomes

Early and crisis intervention, real-time support, and social-emotional learning are made simple. Know your students, know how to support them.

Completely free always and forever.

No training required.

What’s included:

Unlimited student and school staff accounts

Check-in for grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-12

Automatic triage based on real-time responses from your students using our proprietary Help Score technology 

Crisis and Urgent Alerts

Student messaging & other follow-up options 

Library of SEL Activities 

Student-level wellbeing tracking and analysis

Support 24/7

School-wide software licenses 

Daily summary and enhanced dashboard functionality 

Customizable student and school-level alerts 

Wellbeing tracking and analysis on the student, class, grade, and school levels

Training as needed 

Dedicated Account Manager

Automated Rostering and Syncing

Collect and utilize powerful social-emotional data to drive school or district-wide goal-setting and transformation. Use the data that matters most to create the change that matters most.

as low as $1,500/annually

What’s included:

Unlimited student and school staff accounts

Check-in for grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-12

Automatic triage based on real-time responses from your students using our proprietary Help Score technology 

Crisis and Urgent Alerts

Student messaging & other follow-up options 

Library of SEL Activities 

Student-level wellbeing tracking and analysis

Support 24/7

School-wide software licenses 

Daily summary and enhanced dashboard functionality 

Customizable student and school-level alerts 

Wellbeing tracking and analysis on the student, class, grade, and school levels

Training as needed 

Dedicated Account Manager

✔ Automated Rostering and Syncing

Joey, 3rd and 4th grade teacher

“I've taught for 23 years and I have never felt like I am connected to a class as much as this one...it is in large part to your company's work and your vision.

This product is a game changer that I can now not imagine teaching without. You have helped me reach, understand and support kids in ways never before possible in spite of intent.

The "time" to use your program buys us all so much more time to connect, reflect, learn, grow and share.”


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