We believe mental health can no longer be a privilege

Our goal is to ensure every student has access to daily emotional support and mental health resources.

the scenario

Nearly half of American youth will face a diagnosable mental illness before turning 18.

The average delay between the onset of mental health symptoms and intervention is ten years. We’re missing the symptoms and youth are falling through the cracks.

our approach

We consider these no-brainers as we aim to transform youth mental health

Early & CRISES Intervention

Ask the right questions early and often creating a safe digital space so students will share

responsive adult relationships

Ensure each student has at least one adult in their lives whom they can trust and confide in, either at home or at school


Facilitate the development and strengthening of core skills that enable young people to thrive


Discover the stories that inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible for youth mental health.

Read our case studies and learn how Closegap is impacting the lives of K-12 students and the educators who support them.

Case Study: Arlington Community Schools in Tennessee

Closegap Acts as Mental Health Lifeline Between Students and Educators During Coronavirus Pandemic

In March 2020 Constance Certion and Erin Williams wished their middle and high school students a good spring break and promised to see them when they all came back the following week. Within a few days, however, it became clear they were not going to be coming back. The coronavirus pandemic quickly swept across the United States shutting down all in-person learning and thrusting educators and students into the online learning space.

Case Study: Student Quickly Connected to Emergency Psychological Services Through Closegap Wellness Check-in

Although Marla* was struggling academically, the reserved student who mostly kept to herself wasn’t on anybody’s radar as someone who had a high need for additional emotional support. Not all students feel comfortable speaking out and asking for help and not all students feel emboldened to walk down the hall and knock on the school counselor’s door. Marla is the perfect example of how even if somebody doesn’t reach out for help it doesn’t mean they don’t want it.


“So if it was not for Closegap she would have ended her life that day”


Schools are the most accessed mental health delivery system by children and adolescents. Of students receiving mental health services, most receive those services in schools.

We developed Closegap alongside students, teachers, school counselors, social workers, and administrators to ensure the right mental health solution was created for school settings.

We do not diagnose or treat mental illness

Our work is focused on helping youth build key social-emotional skills and develop healthy, secure attachment with trusted adults in the school building. We provide the space for young people to reflect and share, and for educators to listen and respond. This fosters genuine connection between students and school staff based on empathy and understanding. Importantly, we communicate to young people every day that they deserve to be here, they matter, they are loved, and they’re not alone.


We’re a globally distributed team of parents, social workers, teachers, technologists, and visionaries who geek out on human potential, creating safe spaces for young people, and making mental health resources accessible to all.


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